Composite "Move" Poster

Composite "Move" Poster

ARTGR 272 Digital Photography for Graphic Design

As a working graphic designer, you’ll sometimes need to be able to combine multiple images into a single image to create a unique composition. Developing this skill is a matter of research and software experimentation, as well as on-going practice throughout your career. This project will introduce you to the process of conceptualizing and researching, experimenting, and refining your images to create a well-developed, polished composite image. For this project you will create a photo composite “movie” poster for a personal story, family tale, town legend, imagined dream or little known/unknown Creative Commons story (ie NOT Rapunzel, Snow White, ect. that has already been visually represented in books or film) using photo editing and composite techniques. For your designed composition you should think beyond just showing the cast and setting. Consider showcasing plot elements and don’t be afraid to tease some spoilers in your designs. As a designer you should consider visual storytelling methods and have the ability to convey meaning through images in your designed composite poster. Your posters should create awareness of your "movie" and inspire viewers to want to see the "movie" on the big screen!

terminal ten print.jpg
ART 108_BURK_Assignmnet 7 Final.jpg
Move posrter page.jpg
Untitled-1 1.2.jpg